Online store Mini Portable GSM900 Cell Phone Booster Kit QknoJoionwxPaQexcmw NavtechGPS.

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Online store Mini Portable GSM900 Cell Phone Booster Kit QknoJoionwxPaQexcmw NavtechGPS.

Online store Mini Portable GSM900 Cell Phone Booster Kit QknoJoionwxPaQexcmw NavtechGPS.

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Payment Method: Credit Card,Bank Transfer,Western Union

Product Description

Do you ever want to find an ease of use and powerful mobile phone signal amplifier. Here we are offering you one of the best solutions for phone signal amplifying, newly-developed mini portable GSM cell phone signal booster.

The portable signal booster specifically for GSM900 is featured with user-friendly mini and exquisite design. It distinguishes itself from many other products of the same line with the design of installation free usage. As you know, many signal repeater phone amplifier on the market regular take some efforts to install the gadget in usage. The mini signal booster can work simply by carrying it alone with automatic installation function. The working range of the gadget is 1-30m square meter, which make it a perfect option for home, office, conference room, KTV, bar, cafeteria etc. With the booster, you can surely have better phone conversation experience. Even in signal blind spot during travelling, you are worry free of being isolated without signal.

Vague signal or totally out of signal has always been a problem that plague a lot of mobile phone user, which make phone signal amplifier such a popular gadget in helping deal with the situation by boosting signal strength. Don’t let yourself miss this all good for you gadget.


  • Frequency range:

-Up link GSM 890-915MHz
-Downlink GSM 935-960MHz

  • Pass band ripple:<6.0dB
  • Max gain:45±2dB
  • Gain Adjust Range:43dB-47dB
  • Max Export power:


  • AGC:Automatic gain adjustment rang 20dB
  • Noise figure(reverse):<7dB(Max Gain)(
  • Intermodulation Attenuation:

-9KHz-1GHz ≤-36dBm @ 3KHz
-1GHz-12.75GHz ≤-36dBm @ 3KHz

  • Out of band spuriousemission:

-9KHz-1GHz ≤-36dBm @ 3KHz
-1GHz-12.75GHz ≤-36dBm @ 3KHz

  • Transmission delay:<5us
  • VSWR:<1:2
  • Ambient temperature:-10℃~50℃
  • Indicator:

-ISO red (Isolation testing)
-UP green (uplink power)
-DN green (downlink power)

  • Power Supply:DC 5V
  • I/O impedance:50Ω
  • input/output connector:SMA
  • Color:Black
  • Weight:300g


  • Portable GSM900 Cell Phone Signal Booster
  • Power Adaptor
  • USB Cable
  • Antenna
  • User Manual


Note:Please be clear about which frequency you want to boost. You must check your local Mobile Frequency range and choose the booster as per your required Frequency. Please check your country’s Mobile Frequency here.

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