tDescription" id="ProductDescription">

Product Description

Facilities Protection with the TSJ HP3060 Prison Jammer

Our newest prison jammer replaces our dated TSJ-62W-Indoor-Outdoor with a newer, more powerful solution.  The TSJ-HP3060 can be custom configured for your application and location, with super simple set up and operation.

A choice of antennas as well as waterproof design make this unit flexible in terms of positioning at your facility, and the high power output gets you powerful coverage.  More than just a cell phone jammer , this model can also comes in a VHF UHF version.

We offer typical configurations below, please contact us for custom builds for your facility.


Typical Configuration - North America
850-895MHz 25W    
1800-2000MHz 20W
2100-2170MHz 30W (3G UMTS)
700-800MHz 15W (iPhone AT&T & Verizon)
2500-2700MHz 20W (4G WiMax Spring + WiFi)
2400-2500MHz 20W (WiFi 11.b,g & Bluetooth)
Total: 130W

  Typical Configuration -  Europe
920-960MHz 25W (GSM 900)
1800-1880MHz 20W (PCS GSM 1800)
2100-2170MHz 30W (3G UMTS)
2620-2690MHz 20W (4G LTE High)
790-870MHz 20W (4G LTE Low)
2400-2500MHz 20W (WiFi 11b,g & Bluetooth)
Total : 135 W

Typical Configuration - VHF UHF
920-965MHz 25W
1800-1880MHz 20W
2100-2170MHz 30W
2620-2690MHz 20W
130-180MHz 20W
420-480MHz 20W
Total : 135 W

Additional Channel Options:

GPS (L2-L5)
VHF 130-180MHz
UHF 420-480MHz
4G 2620-2690MHz

Optional: Normal or High Gain / Omnidirectional or Directional Panel Antennas

Contact us with your requirements for a custom solution.


Adjustable Output Power for each Band/Channel, from max output power to 0 (OFF)
100% Safe VSWR over protection (Isolator) for each module
Option: Remote Control with 10-30m function
Power supply:    AC110 or 220-240V /DC 27V
Jamming Range    Radius 100~300 meters (-75dBm@Omnidirectional antennas)  depending upon local signal strength
Weight    22Kg
Dimension:    52 x 34 x 20cm
Operational time:    No time limit, units can be operational 24/7/365
Antenna    External Omni 500mm long or Directional Patch Panel Antennas
Warranty:    18 months - with lifetime service

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© ATX Jammers 2017