Jenise's Jammers

Introduce Power Cell Phone Blocker Antenna Signal 4pcs xofokJemlfzriiwvstrk for ebay.

Product Description

Will you jammer device lose its function and can’t work at all if the antennas of it are broken? Of course the answer is definitely not now and what you can do to improve the condition now? The best and most suitable method is to buy a Cell Phone Signal Blocker Antenna and make your jammer device work as normal again.

And this Cell Phone Signal Blocker Antenna here is designed for the product 4 Antenna Cell Phone Signal Blocker with Remote Control(JASM170124), so if your antenna of this product is broken, do not worry jut pick up a new set of antenna for cell phone jammer and just by installing the new set of antenna you jammer device will start normal working and blocking the signal it deserved to immediately.

But just pay attention here this cell phone jammer antenna is only designed for 4 Antenna Cell Phone Signal Blocker with Remote Control. If you need antenna for other jammer product just search to find the correct one.


  • Antennas for Cell Phone Signal Blocker JASM170124


  • 4pcs Mobile Phone Jammer Antennas


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