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Specials Products, price $73

  Storejammer orders are accepted around the clock. Good shopping you

Portable Jammer to prevent GPS and cell phone signal (Code: JB-203 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $71.63 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $70.17 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $67.24 / pcs.


This portable GPS & Cell phone signals jammer is very powerful device. This gps jammer owns low power consumption. It can disable all cell phone signals (not including the 3G signal) and GPS L1 signals effectively. The jamming radius is up to 10 meters depending on local signal strength. With the good design of an internal antenna and its small size (similar to a cell phone), it is concealable and difficult to detect. You can put it inside your pocket or bag and take it anywhere you go. With this device you can enjoy a movie in a quiet theater, without being disturbed by the annoying cell phone calls of the people. At the same time,all the tracking devices by GPS L1 band will be blocked.

Specifications   (Technical
Output power: 0.5 watt 
Maximum effective range: 10 meters 
Antenna: Internal,Omnidirectional 
Power suply: AC 110-240V, DC 5V 
Working temparature: 15°C to +60°C 
Working humidity: 5%-80% 
Jamming System 
GPS: GPS L1 1500-1600 MHz

Jamming Frequencies (European Version) 
925-960 MHz: GSM 900 
1805-1880 MHz: DCS,GSM 1800 
1500-1600MHZ: GPS L1

Specifications (Physical)
Product size: 96x45x18 mm 
Product weight: 67 g 
Package size: 175x125x56 mm 
Package weight: 245 g 
Battery Type: Lithium-Ion 
Capacity: 1100 mAh 
Charging time: 3 hours 
Working time: 2 hours 

AC/DC adapter: 1 ps
Car adapter: 1 ps
Use manual: 1ps

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