Buy High Power and Signal Jammer for WiFi 3G Portable Mobile Phone lrbruwrzzmYb 20% discount.

Product Specifications:

  • High Power Handheld Signal Jammer (For worldwide all Networks) - Cellular Phone 3G Wi-Fi Signal Jammer
  • Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
    - 3G: 2110~2170Mhz
    - CDMA & GSM: 850-960Mhz
    - DCS (PHS)/CDMA1900: 1805-1990MHZ
    - WiFi: 2400-2500MHz
  • Wifi Jammer Cell Phone Jammer Five Bands Cell Phone Jammer 3g Jammer Mobile Phone Jammer 3g phone jammer

  • Antenna: 4x Omni-directional Antennas
  • Coverage Area: up to 15 Meters (depending on the mobile service provider's network condition and background signal strength)
  • Power Source: Wall plug, car adapter, or built-in battery
  • Built-in Battery: 1800mAh
  • Built-in battery time: 90 minutes
  • Total Output Power: 2 watt
  • Operating Temperature: -10 to +50 Celsius
  • Operating Humidity: 5% to 80%
  • Power supply: AC110-240V 12V
  • Dimensions:
    - Antennas off = 120mm x 62mm x 34mm (L x W x D)
    - Antennas on = 190mm x 62mm x 34mm (L x W x D)
  • Color: Black
  • System: Nextel, Wi-Fi, AMPS, TACS, NMT, GSM, DCS, CDMA, PDC, TDMA, PHS, IDEN, W-CDMA, UMTS, 3G
  • Suitable for: Police and Meeting Room, Security Services, Military Units,Prisons, Banks, Churches, Conference Rooms, Classrooms, Secret Services, News Conference Rooms, Libraries, Museums, Customs, Houses.


  • Highly portable.Palm Sized. Easy to carry.
  • Block cellphone and 3g bands, WIFI bands simultaneously.
  • Good cooling system with Wind slots in both sides and built-in fans design. Nonstop working
  • SLeather cover to make the jammer more convenient to carry.

Other Features:

  • Compact size - easily fits in your bag or purse
  • Built in rechargeable li-ion battery
  • Can be charged by AC adapter or car charger
  • Kills 2G, 2.5G, 2.75G, 3G Mobile phone signals
  • No harm to human body or other electronic devices
  • Please do not put the jammer in high voltage and high magnetism locations


  • AC Power Charger (we will send correct standard power charger which according customer's shipping address)
  • Car charger
  • Detachable Antenna x4
  • Leather Case (Latest version have no leather case, if you need, add 4USD)
  • English User Manual(If you need, we will send the scan file via email, it will avoid some possible custom issue)

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