Buy Cell Phones GPS WiFi & 3G Signals Portable blocker with 20m blocking radius HOT Recommendations price $274 kzteskwu. Buy Cell Phones GPS WiFi & 3G Signals Portable blocker with 20m blocking radius HOT Recommendations price $274 kzteskwu. 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Portable jammer to prevent cell phones, GPS, WiFi and 3G (Code: JB-271 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $268.59 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $263.11 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $252.14 / pcs.

You are viewing portable GPS, Wifi and cell phone jammer with 5 antennas  and 3W output power was specially designed to prevent such signals as CDMA/GSM, DCS/PCS, 3G, GPS L1 and Wifi . This 3G jammer is highly portable as it has compact size and easy weight, so you can take it everywhere you go. The jamming range of this gps jammer varies in dependence with signal strength and covers up to  20 meters . The jammer is powered by AC power adapter. This blocker is equipped with 4000mA/H rechargeable battery . What's more, it has selectable button, so it is possible for you to choose the jamming frequency bands according to your real needs. It should be noted, that this jammer has good cooling system, so you can use it for a long time. Also, you can use this jammer in a car via car charger. It should be noted, that this jammer does not influence work of other electronic devices. This jammer is suitable for places where silent atmosphere is required, foe example, during the negotiations or any other serious meeting, also it can be used at schools and universities during exams to avoid cheating. The gps blocker is intended to disable gps tracking devices. In addition, the jammer can be used in cinemas, theaters, churches, libraries, law courts, military units, banks, hospitals, meeting rooms, etc.

Affected Frequency Ranges:
-CDMA/GSM: 850 to 960MHz
-DCS/PCS : 1805 to 1990MHz
-3G: 2,110 to 2,170MHz
-WiFi: 2400-2500MHz   
-GPSL1: 1570-1580MHz
Total output power: 3W
Jamming range: up to 20m , the jamming radius still depends on the strength signal in given area
External Omni-directional antennas all the TX frequency covered down link only
Power supply: 50 to 60Hz, 100 to 240V AC
With AC adapter (AC100-240V-DC12V),4000mA/H battery
Dimension: 120x74x29mm and not include antennas
Inner box dimension: 220x202x65mm
Full set weight: 0.75kg
*GPS WiFi 3G Cell Phone Signal Jammer x 1
*AC adaptor x 1
*Car adaptor x 1
*Antenna x 5
*User Manual x 1
Portable Leather Quality Carry Case for Signal Jammer


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