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data-transition="random" data-slotamount="7" data-masterspeed="1500" data-thumb="" data-saveperformance="off" data-title="Parallax Slide 02"> <!-- MAIN IMAGE --> <img src="" alt="wifi_repeater" data-bgposition="center top" data-bgfit="cover" data-bgrepeat="no-repeat"> <!-- LAYERS --> <!-- LAYER NR. 1 --> <div class="tp-caption mediumlarge_light_white skewfromrightshort randomrotateout tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-6" id="repeater" title="signal repeater/booster" rel="" data-x="18" data-y="29" data-speed="500" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="2000" style="z-index: 5; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;"> Signal Repeater </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 2 --> <div class="tp-caption sfb rs-parallaxlevel-0" data-x="844" data-y="263" data-speed="900" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 6;"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 3 --> <div class="tp-caption smalllightwhite-1 sfb randomrotateout tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-5" data-x="19" data-y="247" data-speed="500" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="2000" style="z-index: 7; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;"> Blind area and weak region for difficult signal coverage<br> Improve the quality of communication, solve the problem,<br> optimize the wireless communication network.<br> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 4 --> <div class="tp-caption lightheavy-70 customin randomrotateout tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-8" data-x="17" data-y="100" data-customin="x:0;y:0;z:0;rotationX:0;rotationY:0;rotationZ:0;scaleX:0;scaleY:0;skewX:0;skewY:0;opacity:0;transformPerspective:600;transformOrigin:50% 50%;" data-speed="300" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="2000" style="z-index: 8; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;"> SMALL CAPACITY<br> LARGE COVERAGE </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 5 --> <div class="tp-caption lfb randomrotateout rs-parallaxlevel-8" data-x="802" data-y="-34" data-speed="900" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 9;"> <img src="" alt="" data-ww="171" data-hh="171"> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 6 --> <div class="tp-caption lft randomrotateout rs-parallaxlevel-4" data-x="481" data-y="-21" data-speed="1000" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 10;"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 7 --> <div class="tp-caption lft stt rs-parallaxlevel-6" data-x="587" data-y="58" data-speed="1000" 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data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 13;"> <img src="" alt=""> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 10 --> <div class="tp-caption modern_medium_fat customin tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0" data-x="657" data-y="56" data-customin="x:0;y:0;z:0;rotationX:0;rotationY:0;rotationZ:0;scaleX:0;scaleY:0;skewX:0;skewY:0;opacity:0;transformPerspective:600;transformOrigin:50% 50%;" data-speed="300" data-start="500" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-splitin="none" data-splitout="none" data-elementdelay="0.1" data-endelementdelay="0.1" data-endspeed="300" style="z-index: 14; max-width: auto; max-height: auto; white-space: nowrap;"> <div style="" class="tp-layer-inner-rotation modern_medium_fat rs-pulse" data-easing="Power3.easeInOut" data-speed="2" data-zoomstart="1" data-zoomend="1"> Stadium </div> </div> <!-- LAYER NR. 11 --> <div class="tp-caption modern_medium_fat customin tp-resizeme rs-parallaxlevel-0" data-x="945" data-y="29" 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300m radius wireless signal jammer with well designed cooling system (Code: JB-429 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $0.99 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $0.97 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $0.93 / pcs.

Product Description
   The application of wireless signal jammer is of great importance and necessity under many circumstances nowadays in a variety of areas and professions. Check out the details of the latest 800W high power full frequency wireless signal jammer as follows.
   This is a high power efficient jamming device can be used to block unwanted signals in occasions such as VIP convoy protection, military rehearse, municipal hall, police check point, prison, disposal bombs, as well as vehicle mounted to block remote controlled explosive devices.
   The jamming range of the high output power jamming is up to 200-300m with 20MHz-2500MHz full frequency band according standard requirements. With well designed cooling system, the device can work 24/7 continuously. It is constructed with shockproof and portable rugged case for ease of use and better durability. Each module of the signal jammer is controlled separately, which will improve the blocking efficiency in case of possible uncertain factor such as distance, obstacles in between and the like. Come with Omni-directional antennas, the device is capable of blocking wireless signals from 360 degree direction .
   If you are looking for professional VIP convoy security signal jamming, this high power wireless jammer will be a good choice with efficiency and reliability.
At a Glance...
Each module is controlled separately.
This jammer is covered with military rugged case, portable, shockproof
The frequency band could be added as customer's requirements
Perfect Alarm System, fully protected circuit in case of disconnection of antennas.
Better cooling system, could work 24/7 continuously .
VIP convoy protection
Military camp
Government building
Police Checkpoints
Bomb disposal and vehicle mounting for military complexes.
Filed Operation activity
Jamming Frequency: 20 MHz- 2500 MHz
Total output power: Up to 800 watt
Jamming range: 200-300m, (Signal strength <= -75dbm)
Power supply: AC110-240V,
Two jammer cases.
Full Frequency Wireless Signal Jammer
Power Cable
Omnidirectional Antennas
Conntect Cable

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