Buy USA Remote Controls JAMMER of WIFI Lojack GPS Latest new Products price $761 abnY_sxuia. Buy USA Remote Controls JAMMER of WIFI Lojack GPS Latest new Products price $761 abnY_sxuia. 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Jammer with remote controller to block WIFI, Lojack and GPS (Code: JB-484 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $746.08 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $730.86 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $700.41 / pcs.

This is our best desktop jammer, which is intended to disable a lot of devices,  such as cars, boats, signaling, wireless sensors, remote-controlled toys, and so on. 

16 Bands type USA frequency :
1.   850-895MHz CDMA 850 3W
2.   1800-1990MHz DCS PCS 2G  3W
3.   2100-2170MHz UMTS 3G 3W
4.   700-800MHz 4G LTE USA iPhone (AT&T & Verizon) 3W
5.   2500-2700MHz 4G WiMAX USA Sprint 2W
6.   4G LTE 1700-1800MHz 3W
7.   2400-2480MHz WiFi & Bluetooth 2W
8.   433MHz Car Remote Alarm 3W
9.   315MHz Car Remote Alarm 3W
10. 868MHz Car Remote Alarm 3W
11. 173MHz Car Lojack 3W
12. GPS L1 1575.42Mhz  2W
13. GPS L2 1227.60 MHz±10MHz: 2W
14. GPS L5 1176.45 MHz±10MHz: 2W
15. 130-180MHz VHF 3W
16. 400-480MHz UHF 3W
Total: 43 W

Each of the 16 frequency unit / group is a separate and regulated.
All 16 modules can be mixed frequency is very flexible , and any combination of settings on the frequency possible , so just send us a request and we will give you the best advice .

Jamming Range Radius 10~50 meters (-75dBm@Omnidirectional antennas).
The jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and location.

Working time: Without the time limit, may continue to work,
Antenna: 300mm long
Power supply: AC100-240V and 12V cable to Car Battery (300mm Long)
Dimension: 395 x 238 x 60mm
Weight 8kg

Desktop Jammer  х 1
AC Charger х 1
Car Charger х 1
Antenna х 16

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