Buy UAV Drone Jammer TSJ-UAV6067 _lmonzocPlsilrfPPfYl 20% discount.

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Product Description

TSJ-UAV6067 Prevents Aerial Intrusions


Prevent drone and UAV use in restricted areas or during events by deploying the TSJ-UAV6067.

The TSJ-UAV6067 is a durable drone jammer built into a protective Pelican case. And with a total output power of 260W, coverage area is approximately 800-3000 meters.

Custom tuning is available upon request, however our most popular two configurations are as follows:


Option A

433MHz 50W
868-912MHz 100 W
2400-2500MHz 30W
WiFi 11.b,g & Bluetooth 2400-2500MHz 30W
GPS L2 1227MHz 30W
GPS L1 1575MHz 40W
WiFi 11.a 5.8GHz 10W

Option B

5.0-5.5GHz 10W
5.5-6.0GHz 10W
Civil Remote Control Toys:
200-300MHz 60W
300-400MHz 60W
VHF 130-180MHz 50W
UHF 420-480MHz 50W
GPS L3 L4 L5 30W

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