Best GPS Signal Jammer For Powerful Portable Jammer GPS L1/L2 Sale JeJxrklwQrsx NavtechGPS.

Product Description

The powerful Portable GPS jammer will prevent GPS tracking devices from communicating with the base station.

The Portable GPS jammer can be recharged by plugging into the cigarette lighter in your car.

Product Notes:

  • Support charge while using.
  • Support powered by car cigarette adapter.


  • Global GPS System L1 & L2
  • TX frequency:
    • A: 1227.6MHz
    • B: 1575.42MHz
  • Output power:
    • A: +25dBm / 300mW
    • B: +25dBm / 300mW
  • Battery: Ni-MH battery DC12V/1600mA/h
  • Continue using time:90 minute
  • First time battery charge:3 hours up
  • Size:110mm (H) x62mm (L) x30mm (D) (Not include antenna)
  • Weight:200 g
  • Humidity:5% ~ 80%
  • Operating temperature:-10°C ~ +60°C
  • Jamming range:Radius up to 20m
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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