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cell phone signal jammer|18W Power Jammer Adjustable Store Free International Shipping !! fsudikaiwx.

  • cell phone signal jammer|18W Power Jammer Adjustable Store Free International Shipping !! fsudikaiwx
  • Next Generation digital cell phone jammer; a device to help circumvent disturbances or noise from cellular phone calls.

    The latest 4G high power cell phone WiFi jammer.

    Universally compatible with new (LTE, WiMaX) 4G / 3G / 2G / WiFi / Bluetooth networks.

    Bluetooth networks include most remote control toys, drones, wireless devices.

    Select-able switches on the front for choice of jamming bands and adjustable RF power levels.

    Package contents: 1 x 18W Adjustable Power Jammer , 1 x AC power supply, 6 x Antennas, 1 x Car charger.

    * not available to USA and EU (only authorized government users).


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