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Technologies 4G High Signal Jammer Buy Wimax Power 4G Cell Phone Wifi Signal Jammer Blocker GkxfxGQveu_sxaYef for ebay.

  • Technologies 4G High Signal Jammer Buy Wimax Power 4G Cell Phone Wifi Signal Jammer Blocker GkxfxGQveu_sxaYef for ebay
  • Product Description

    4G high power cell phone jammer (4G LTE + 4G Wimax),you must be attracted by the title. YES! It is 4G high power cell phone jammer. It’s not only block the CDMA, GSM, DCS / PCS, wifi signals, but also jam the newest 4G LTE and 4G Wimax signal. Before you may just block one of the 4G signal, but now you can block the two. It is really an optimal choice for you.

    With 5 powerful antennas, the shielding radius is 2 to 50 meters; the stronger jammer can block all signals in this range. You don’t worry about the uplink.The jammer could not interference the uplink station signal; just jam the signals of the cell phone.

    This jammer has the adjustment functions, you can adjust the jamming signals to stronger or adjust the jamming signal to weaker, that is very suitbable for you.

    If you are looking for a powerful device to jamming the cell phone signals in the place like the exam rooms, churches, temples, gas stations or any place you need to be quiet. Just go ahead, pick it up to your cart, you will love the high power one!


    • Affected Frequency Ranges:
      • -CDMA / GSM 851-960MHz 35dBm 8dBm/30KHz (min)
      • -DCS / PCS 1805-1990MHz 33dBm 2dBm/30KHz (min)
      • -WIFI (2.4G): 2400-2500MHz 30.5dbm -5 dBm/30KHz(min)
      • -4G(Wimax): 2345MHZ 2400 MHZ 30dbm
      • -4G (LTE): 725-770 MHZ 33dbm
    • Total Power:13W
    • Power supply: AC adapter (AC220V-DC12V)
    • Shielding Radius: (2-50) meters@-75dBm (depends on the strength signal in given area.)
    • Net Weight: 2.5KG/PCS
    Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc. We will adjust the CDMA/ GSM/ DCS/ PCS for you base on your country signal frequency.


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