Buy 50m working radius A/V Wireless Jammer with antennas Latest Products price JPQau_QxG. Buy 50m working radius A/V Wireless Jammer with antennas Latest Products price JPQau_QxG. 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50m working radius A/V Wireless Jammer with antennas (Code: JB-488 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $815.71 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $799.07 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $765.77 / pcs.

Jammers of audio / video streams are designed to eliminate the audio or video channels in a wireless transmitter. This is a necessary measure to prevent the real time monitoring and eavesdropping on small or large transmission systems. Our jammers audio / video are designed to block the transfer of any video on the specified frequencies are used for this purpose is not legitimate information. We looked at all the frequencies used commercially, and they will also interfere with and block other devices on these frequencies.
Audio/video streaming commercially used frequencies: 
1.   800-1000Mhz  3W
2.   1000-1200MHz 3W
3.   1200-1350MHz 2W
4.   Wi-Fi/Bluetooth 2400-2500 MHz  2W
5.   WIFI 11a/n 5Ghz 5100-5500 MHz 1W
6.   WIFI 11a/n 5Ghz 5500-5900MHz 1W 
Each of 6 frequency module/band is separate and with adjustable power from Max to OFF
Jamming Range Radius 10~50 meters (-75dBm@Omnidirectional antennas).
The jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and location.

Working time: Without the time limit, May continue to work,
Antenna 210mm long for higher frequency / 380mm Long for lower frequency
Power supply: AC100-240V and 12V Car Charger (300mm Long)
Integred battery in order option : +12V/12AH can work 2.5-3.0 hours
Dimension: 305*140*51mm
Weight: 3.0 Kg
All Frequency can mix in 6 bands very flexible, Options: GSM 920-965MHz, LoJack 173MHz, 4G 700-800MHz (USA), SAT Sattellite Phones 1520-1670MHz, Remote/Alarm Control 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz, GPS L2 L3 L4 L5,
Desktop Jammer х 1
AC Charger х 1
Car Charger х 1
Antenna х 6

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  • >> High Power Jammer
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  • >> GPS Jammer
  • >> GSM Jammer
  • >> WiFi Jammer
  • >> UHF VHF Jammer
  • >> Remote Control Jammer
  • >> Drone Jammer
  • >> Spy Camera Jammer
  • >> Military Jammer
  • >> Lojack 4G Jammer
  • >> Portable Jammer


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  • >> Less than $100
  • >> $100-$200
  • >> $200-$300
  • >> $300-$400
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