Buy Handheld style Jammer with 3 antennas for 3G Cell Phones CDMA GSMDCS Handheld Phone Jammers price $166 J_izwxmJ_Gborwhhaeca. Buy Handheld style Jammer with 3 antennas for 3G Cell Phones CDMA GSMDCS Handheld Phone Jammers price $166 J_izwxmJ_Gborwhhaeca. 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Portable Jammer to block cell phones, 3G, CDMA, GSM and DCS (Code: JB-234 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $163.14 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $159.81 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $153.15 / pcs.


The Portable 3G and cell phone jammer with 4 channels, which was created to prevent such signals as CDMA, GSM, DCS, PHS and 3G . This jammer is highly portable as it owns compact size and easy weight, so it is easy to hide it. In addition, you can order and addition function for blocking Bluetooth and Wifi. The jamming range of this wifi jammer varies in dependence with signal strength and covers up to  15 meters . The 3G jammer is powered by AC power adapter. Also, you also can use this jammer in a car with car adaptor. It should be noted, that this jammer does not influence work of other electronic devices.  This jammer is suitable for places where silent atmosphere is required, foe example, during the negotiations or any other serious meeting, also it can be used at schools and universities during exams to avoid cheating. The gps blocker is intended to disable gps tracking devices. In addition, the jammer can be used in cinemas, theaters, churches, libraries, law courts, military units, banks, hospitals, meeting rooms, etc.

Isolating signal bandwidth

-CDMA: 851-894MHz
-GSM: 925-960 MHz
-DCS: 1805-1880MHz
-3G: 2110-2170MHz
Working time: Can work continuously with AC/DC electricity power,Can work continuously for 2hours
with full charged battery
Environment temperature: - 40? to +55C
Relative humidity: 30% -- 95%
Power adapter: AC:110-240V  DC: 9V 1300mA / H  with built-in rechargeable battery
Dimension: 200,mm(L)?150mm(W)?100mm(H)
Weight: 0.7kg
Output power: 3W
Effective isolating/shielding diameter: Up to 15 meters(depends on local signal strength)
| Accessories:
* Jammer  х 1
*Antennas х 3
*AC Charger х 1
*Car Charger х 1
*User Manual x 1


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