Product Description
   Have you ever consider the high power jammer can own the waterproof and 500W high power at the same time? Just have a look at this 500W Waterproof Phone Jammer with Directional Antenna , then you will be amazed by it.
   This 5 jamming frequency bands Jammer with designed with Directional Antennas has used many advanced technology such as the Digital Frequency Sweep technology to reach the goal of low power consumption and high efficiency. Besides since owning 500W high power and CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G 5 jamming frequency bands, the output of each band is 100W and in this way the jamming distance of this waterproof phone jammer is up to 500 meters depending on the signal strength in the given area. Besides a big advantage of this 500W high power phone jammer is that each band can work separately and you can adjust the power according to the real needs. Since designed with the built-in intelligent modules, such as connection cables, this 500W high power phone jammer owns the functions of power outage alarm automatically, Automatic Switcher, remote inspection, and comprehensive intelligent digital control and do not have interference to other kinds of devices.
    Besides since designed with waterproof function this jammer is able to be used in the open air. Moreover since designed with good cooling system such as the cooling fans inside and other cooling design, this device can be used continuously. Thus owning beautiful appearance is also a big merit of this jammer.  Such an excellent waterproof phone jammer can be widely used to protect the owner's benefits of the mobile phone internet, for the needs of the army in the campaign, for the guard place, prison use, for big party concourse, for the leaders security use and so on. But what you need to observe is that this jammer is designed with Directional Antenna.
Affected Frequency Ranges:
-CDMA 851-894MHz  
-GSM   925-960MHz  
-DCS   1805-1880MHz 
-PCS   1920-1990MHz  
-3G   2110-2170MHz  
Available system: world wide cell phone network
Power supply: AC adapter(AC110V-240V)
Operate time: 24 hours continuous
Shielding Radius: Up to 500 meter(-75dBm still depends on the signal strength in given area.) Directional Antenna: 2pcs antennas ( Please fix the antenna follow the mark in the unit)
Total output power: 500W
Temperature :-40 to +55?
 Relative humility:?90%(RH)
Air pressure:86~106kPa
Weight: 60kg
Dimension: 720(L)?500(W)?330H)mm (Not included Antenna)
Mobile Phone Jammer
Power Cable
Coaxial Cable
Directional Antennas

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