Top Most Powerful Adjustable Remote Control Phone Mobile Signal Jammer With 60 lQotrQklxx for hidden.

Product Description

  • Jamming Area: Up to 60meters (Depends on signal strength, at the site to be jammed)
  • Cellular Systems :
    • Option A for American Market: CDMA850-894MHz; GSM: 925-960MHzPHS/DCS: 1805-1990MHz: 3G: 1990-2170MHz
    • Option B for Europe Market: CDMA: 869-894Mhz; GSM: 925-960MHz; DCS1805-1880MHz; 3G: 2110-2170MHz
  • Power Adapter: Input AC100V-240V, DC5V
  • Total Output Power: 10Watt
  • Dimension: L 25* W 17* H 5 cm
  • Package: L 45* W 30* H12 cm
  • Product Weight: 2.8kg
  • Package weight: 3.5kg
  • Working Time: 24 hours/ 7 Days
  • Relative Humidity: 20%--95%
  • Working Temperature: -40~ +55 deg C
  • Antennas installation: Install the antennas corresponding to the channel label. If not, the jammer will be very hot when it works
Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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