phone signal blocker|Exquisite Hidden Cellphone Jammer QbGlzQidQnaa.

With the built-in antenna design makes it looks better and do not easy to be found. It is very light and portable as well as easy to install.  You will like it , i am sure!

Advantages : 1.Built-in antenna design

                        2. Good cooling system with fans design and efficient operation

                        3. Light in heavy with a plastic case .Easy to install

                        4. Also with battery or car adaptor optional

                        5.Top Hidden . Not like a jammer.

                        6.Car adaptor available

RF Frequency : 850-894Mhz,925-960Mhz,1805-1990Mhz,2110-2170Mhz ,GPS band also available ( US or EURO standard optional) baterry

Working Time :80minuters


Shielding Radius : Up to 30meters(by your background signal strength)

Total Output power :12W

Power supply : AC adapter (AC220V-DC12V available)

Dimension : 25(L)*17(H)*7.1(W)CM

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