
Product Details

Product Description


This is a powerful jammer with dual function-one is to anti GPS tracking device and the other is to block mobile phone signal to protect important event.

Firstly, this Anti-tracker knocks out GPS logging or tracking system that may be operating on your vehicle. So you are able to enjoy free in-car communication.

Secondly, this jammer is able to avoid the leakage of secret information through your mobile phone. Also it is a necessity for law enforcement and private places to interrupt communications by criminals and terrorists, and also for accomplishing a more cultured society.

Pick one right now from alljammer at factory direct price. If you want to enjoy more choices, please simply click the jammers and you will be satisfied.


Technical Specifications

  •  Power: CDMA:25dbm  GSM25dbm  DCS:25dbm or PCS:25dbm GPS:23dbm 3G:23dbm
  • Frequency:





        - 3G(2110MHZ-2180MHZ)


  • Automatic power switching power supply: 50 / 60 Hz / AC 100 ~ 240V transmitting to DC12V
  • Jamming range: Radius 15-20M for GPS, Radius 5-10M for Mobile Phone(depend on cell phone signal)
  • Battery: Ni- ion battery DC4.2V/4800mA/h
  • Continue using time: around 120 minute
  • Size: L110 x W62 x H30 mm
  • Weight: 300g



Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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