Product Details

This is a high powered jammer that will work in any country worldwide including 3G. It will immobilize cell phones up to a distance of 80 metres when using the 18 watt model and up to 60 metres when using the 6 watt. They are stylish and come in a black anodized aluminum housing complete with dual voltage mains power supplies or can be powered via a cigarette lighter socket 5 amps.


TX frequency 851/869 ~ 894 MHz
TX frequency 925/936 ~ 965 MHz
TX frequency 1800 ~ 1990 MHz
TX frequency 2110 ~ 2170 MHz
Total output power:9W ( 800:3W, 900:3W , 1800-1950:3 W, )
Total output power includ : 12W
( 800: 3W, 900:3W,1800-1950:3W ,2100-2200:3W )
Cover interface standards: AMPS,N-AMPS, NMT, TACS, GSM, CDMA, TDMA, iDEN, UMTS
Two convection fans and add metal filter.
TNC antenna connecter.
All the TX frequency covered down link only.
Automatic power switching power supply:50/60Hz/AC 100 ~ 240V transmitting to DC 24V
Weight:1.6 Kg
Operating temperature:-10℃~ +60℃
Humidity: 5% ~ 80%
Jamming range:Radius 30 ~ 50 M【the signal must <-80dB in the location
Safety Regulation: AC Adapter UL (E190582), CSA (LR112971 Level 3)

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