2016 TSJ-PH5 Tactical Handheld Jammer Combination 5GHz WiFi Coverage uidGxecdearlidiPa for ebay.

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2016 TSJ-PH5 Tactical Handheld Jammer Combination 5GHz WiFi Coverage uidGxecdearlidiPa for ebay.

2016 TSJ-PH5 Tactical Handheld Jammer Combination 5GHz WiFi Coverage uidGxecdearlidiPa for ebay.

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Product Description

TSJ-PH5 Tactical Handheld Combination Jammer

Powerful handheld 10W total output (1W per channel) handheld jammer blocks 10 channels including 5GHz WiFi.  Typical configurations include (custom tuning available):

North America Type:
1: 173MHz
2: GPS L2
3: 1800-1990MHz: GSM, GSM1800, PHS, PCS, NEXTEL, CDMA1900, GSM1900
4: 2100-2170MHz: UMTS, 3G, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000
5: 2500-2700MHz: 4G Wimax (Sprint)
6: GPS L1 + Glonass L1
7: 850-895MHz: CDMA 850
8: 2345-2500MHz: WiFi/Bluetooth, 4G LTE 2300
9: 5GHz: 5.3-5.9GHz
10: 700-800MHz 4G LTE iPhone (AT&T & Verizon)

Europe Type:
1: 173MHz
2: GPS L2
3: 1800-1990MHz: DCS, GSM1800, PHS, PCS, CDMA1900
4: 2100-2170MHz: UMTS, 3G, WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, CDMA2000
5: 2620-2690MHz: 4G High WiMax2, 4G LTE
6: GPS L1 + Glonass L1
7: 920-965MHz: GSM900
8:  2400-2500MHz: WiFi/Bluetooth
9:5GHz: 5.3-5.9GHz
10: 790-830MH: 4G Low LTE , 4G WiMax


This unit features lower operational temperatures as well as an included tactical cover.  Powerful WiFi jamming and cellular jamming in a high quality handset. Get yours today!


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