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Jammer with Lithium-Ion battery for cell phones (Code: JB-209 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $82.57 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $80.88 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $77.51 / pcs.

Jamming Frequencies (European Version) 
869-894 MHz: CDMA 
925-960 MHz: GSM 900 
1805-1880 MHz: DCS,GSM 1800 
2110-2170 MHz: 3G, CDMA 2000, UMTS, WCDMA, T-SCDMA

Physical Specifications 
Product size: 63x45x20 mm 
Product weight: 55 g 
Package size: 175x125x56 mm 
Package weight: 276 g 
Battery type: Lithium-Ion 
Capacity: 1100 mAh 
Charging time: 3 hours 
Working time: 2 hours 
Total output power: 0.6 Watt 
Effective range: Radius Up to 10 Meters
Power suply: AC 110-240V, DC 5V 
Working temparature: -15°C to +60°C 
Working humidity: 5%-80% 

Package Contents 
AC/DC adapter: 1 unit 
Car adapter: 1 unit

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