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Product Description

We can see that the signal jammer can’t work as normal with the broken antennas, and what is the best method if the antennas are broken? Gain a set of replacement antennas can be the best choice. And this 8pcs Replacement Antennas for High Power Jammer owns such kind of function.

But what you need to pay attention is that this 8pcs jammer antennas is only suitable for the Multi-functional 3G 4G Cell Phone Jammer and GPS WiFi LoJack Jammer(JASM170170), High Power WiFi GPS Cell Phone Jammer and UHF VHF LoJack Jammer(JASM170171) and High Power 3G 4G Mobile Phone Jammer and UHF VHF WiFi Jammer(JASM170172 ) and not suitable to for other jammer. And since this 8pcs jammer antenna is suitable for 3 jammers, so please make sure you have chosen the correct type jammer antennas for your signal jammer and make the order comment to tell us you want to use the 8pcs jammer antennas for which jammer when you place the order online at the website.

Besides this 8pcs antennas for high power jammer also help you to save money as well as buying this high power jammer antennas is cheaper than to gain a new jammer. Then if your signal jammer is the above types of jammer and the antennas are broken then just come here and pick up this 8pcs jammer antennas.


  • 8pcs Replacement Antennas for High Power Jammer


  • 8pcs Replacement Signal Jammer Antennas


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