Product Description
It is really an annoy thing if other parts of a mobile phone jammer is good but only the antenna is broken. In this condition why not buy a new antenna to replace the broken and make the mobile phone jammer work as normal. Here the Portable 4G Mobile Phone Jammer Antenna can reach this goal. It is designed for Jammer model JASM170138 and it is made up of 4pcs. So there is no need to worry when your antenna is broken.
Wanting to buy a new antenna to replace the broken one? Then just come here and pick up one for your mobile phone jammer.
These antennas are designed for 4 Band 2W Portable Mobile Phone Jammer for 4G(JASM170138) only. They are already included in the package for it. You can buy one more set as spare parts if needed
- Antennas for Jammer model JASM170138
- 4pcs 4G Mobile Phone Jammer Antennas
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