> Portable Jammer to disable cell phones and WiFi nn__smnGlzlPz. > Portable Jammer to disable cell phones and WiFi nn__smnGlzlPz. 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Portable Jammer to disable cell phones and WiFi (Code: SJ-516 )

Availability: Unlimited



You are viewing portable selectable jammer with  6 antennas and 5W output power, which was specially designed to prevent such signals as GSM, DCS, PCS, 3G,4G, 4G LTE,4G WiMax and WIFI . This powerful jammer has improved cooling system, so you can use jammer for a long time. The jamming range of this jammer varies in dependence with signal strength and covers up to  20 meters . In addition, it has adjustable button, so you can adjust jamming range and frequency. What's more this jammer is equipped with  Li- ion battery DC7.4V/3600mA/h can be powered by AC adapter . What's more, this jammer is absolutely harmless and does not influence human health. This jammer is suitable for places where silent atmosphere is required, foe example, during the negotiations or any other serious meeting, also it can be used at schools and universities during exams to avoid cheating. The gps blocker is intended to disable gps tracking devices. In addition, the jammer can be used in cinemas, theaters, churches, libraries, law courts, military units, banks, hospitals, meeting rooms, etc.

Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
-3G: 2110-2170MHz
-4G LTE: (US.725-770MHz) or (Europe:790-826MHz)
-4GWIMAX:(US. 2345-2400MHz) or (Europe: 2620-2690MHz)
-WiFi: 2400-2500MHz

-CDMA/GSM: 851-960MHz
-DCS/PCS: 1805-1990MHz


● High-power Multi-band Handheld jammer.
● Antennas can be hidden or exposed.
● With nylon cover, easy to carry.
● Configured to block six different frequency bands continuously or simultaneously.
● Total RF output power up to 5 watt.
● With internal battery.
● Separate switch for each band, accompanied with a working LED Light.
● Simple battery replacement.
● Inside cooling fans and heat sink design ensure the device to work continuously. The device surface temperature does not exceed 40 °C after long time working.

Power Supply:AC 110~250V to DC 12V, Car Charger 12V to DC 12V
Battery: Li- ion battery DC7.4V/3600mA/h
Battery Working Time: 2 or 3 hours maximum
Charger time: Around 6 hours
Total output power:6W
Jamming Range: Up to 20M (depend on cell phone signal Length)
Antennas Details: high-tech rubber (8 units)
Dimensions Of Device:  156x 88 x 46mm (Jammer body without antenna)
Inner box dimension:280*260*110mm 
Weight Of Product: 1.0 kg
Color: Black



Car Charger
AC Charger

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