Product Details

Product Description

Have you suffred with the being tracked life for a long time? Are you wishing to stop the terrible fate of you? Here you come to the right place, following will be your wise choice to keep your private life safe.
With this RF/Lens Multi Function Bug Detector , you can detect and locate any  wireless hidden camera and RF device with working frequency between 1MHz~6500MHz in mintues, including GSM, VHF, UHF bugs. It can be also used to detect GPS trackers mounted in any type of vehicle! The item has the earphone piece and indicator lights so you can operate the detector without sounding an audible alarm. No one will notice you have your own protection tool in hand because the vibrate mode function is also included. You can scan a room by looking through the view finder and instantly locate any video camera that is hidden. How crazy with such a great device to protect yourself.
Better life begins with your first step to add this detector into cart!


  • High quality product
  • Ideal for person's privacy protection
  • Sensitivity adjustable
  • Operation modes: alarm, vibration, IR Laser
  • Additional application with earphone ensures a covert detection.
  • Built-in rechargeable Li-battery can ensure a non-stopping detection for 5 hours.
  • 4 Led lights indicate signal Intensity
  • Easy to operate
  • Alarm waysLaser visitation, Vibration Alarm, Sound alarm, Light flash alarm, Silent alarmalarm in earphone

Product Notes:

  • Do not aim your eyes after starting the IR laser detector.
  • When IR laser detecting lights gets weak, please recharge the battery.


  • Wireless detecting range:1MHz - 6.5GHz
  • Antenna length: 15cm
  • Wireless detect range:0.5m-10m(depends on the signal strength of the camera)
  • Lens: IR filtered lens
  • 7 Ultra bright Led lights
  • Optics glass: special professional CC filter
  • Battery: Built-in rechargeable Li-battery, 3.7V/400mA
  • Charge: 5~6V DC
  • Dimension:65*48*15mm
  • Weight:40g


  • Detector
  • AC charger
  • Earphone

Note: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

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