Introduce TSJ-UAV3078 UAV Jammer for Portable Drone Protection Operations oPYtktsrwYPh for hidden.

  • Introduce TSJ-UAV3078 UAV Jammer for Portable Drone Protection Operations oPYtktsrwYPh for hidden

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Product Description

The TSJ-UAV3078 is a very powerful 8 band, highly portable and rugged outdoor UAV jammer designed to prevent drone intrusions at event locations.

This unit can be transported easily and set up in under 10 minutes.  Protect your event or facility with one of the highest quality drone protection units available today.

Custom tuning available however this is our ideal
Standard configuration:

Four Directional Antenna with 2 bands each covering 90 degrees:
2.4-2.5GHz: 20W
WiFi 11.g, b, Bluetooth


Total 240W of Output Power


Covers Most Commercial Used Drones / UAVs (Distance 3-5Km) using 2.4GHz for Remote Control System Like Dji Phantom 4, Phantom 3 Professional, Advanced Series, Inspire Series, etc.
Adjustable Output Power for each Band/Channel from Max Output Power to 0 (OFF)
100% Safe VSWR over protection (Isolator) for each modular
Battery    +24V / 20AH LiFePO4 can work 40-60 Minutes ( Optional Extra )
Power supply:    AC110 or 220-240V /DC 27V
Jamming Range    Radius 1000-3000+ Meters
Weight    33kg
Dimension:    56 x 45 x 26 cm
Working time:    Can operate continuously
Antenna    Directional Patch Panel Antennas

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