bluetooth signal blocker|designed radius Pnone signals Jammer 25m with Shelter lfYwnxJtY_xoiarPmks.

Product Description
   Created by new technology, this 25m radius Pnone signals Jammer designed with Waterproof Shelter  can effectively stop the cell phone signals around. With this cell phone signal jammer, you don't have to suffer with the pesky phone signals anymore. Especially when you are in the fields where phone using would lead to some explosions such as oil station, gas filled station, oil depot and so on. This cell phone signal jammer also can be perfect for all those areas that require quietness and seriousness including meeting rooms, museums, theaters, churches, classrooms etc. Besides, made of high quality materials, we guarantee you the best quality of this cell phone signal jammer. This device is designed to be placed either on a table top or inconspicuously on ceilings.
Order one today and get yourself surprised tomorrow! You have the enough chance to kick the noises away.
Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
- 3G: 2110-2170MHz
- GSM: 925-960MHz
- CDMA: 869-894MHz
- PHS/CDMA1900: 1900-1980MHz
- DCS: 1805-1880MHz
Single Output Power: +35dBm/800mW
Power Input: AC110V-240V
Power Output: DC 5V 8A
Jamming Range: 1- 25 meters (depends on the strength signal in given area)
Power: AC adapter
Dimension: 260 x 200 x 100mm (Not included)
AC adaptor

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