
Product Description

Want to make it easier for you to take along your handheld signal jammer with you even in the hot summer? Then just here this Portable Leather Quality Carry Case for Signal Jammer that you are viewing here is suitable.

Just using this portable leather quality carry case you can easily avoid that you will feel hot when you carry the handheld signal jammer. Besides this handheld signal blocker leather carry case can also avoid there too much sweat on the jammer as well. But what you need to observe is that this leather carry case for signal jammer is only suitable for the  Selectable Handheld 3G 4G All Phone Signal Blocker & WiFi Jammer(JASM170173), Selectable Portable GPS LoJack 3G Cell Phone Signal Jammer(JASM170174), Selectable Portable GPS WiFi 3G Cell Phone Signal Jammer(JASM170175), 6 Antenna Portable WiFi 3G 4G Phone Signal Jammer(JASM170176),6 Antenna Selectable Handheld GPS 3G 4G Cellphone Blocker(JASM170177), 6 Antenna Handheld Bluetooth WiFi GPS Cellphone Jammer(JASM170178),6 Antenna Selectable Handheld WiFi GPS LoJack Phone Signal Jammer(JASM170179),Portable WiFi GPS 4G Wimax Mobile Phone Jammer(JASM170181), 6 Antenna Selectable Portable GPS LoJack 4G Wimax Phone Signal Jammer(JASM170182), and Selectable Portable 3G 4G Cell phone & LoJack Jammer(JASM170183) only and not suitable for other types of handheld signal blockers.

If you handheld signal jammer is among the above types then you can just come here and pick up one portable leather quality carry case for your portable signal blocker then.





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