
Product Details

What is this? Don't think that it is only a painting, in fact it is a cell phone signal jammer hidden in a picture. This cell phone jammer effectively disables any cell phone and will stop all signals on the GSM, CDMA, DCS, PHS, and 3G bands. More ever, this jammer doesn't interrupt any other electronic device except cell phone. With remote control function, users can turn the jammer on and off for instant jamming and unjamming. Also included is sensitivity control for partial and selective blocking of any mobile phone signal.
With a working radius of up to 60 meters, this device can be used in any location, but is found primarily in places where a phone call would be particularly disruptive because silence is expected or needed. The inconspicuous painting design effortlessly blends in with (and easily mounts on) the wall and is suitable for churches, hospitals, libraries, museums, movie theaters, class rooms, and for business meetings and legal proceedings.


Function:Hidden cell phone signal jammer
Isolating Signal Bandwidth:
- CDMA:851-894 MHz
- GSM:925-960 MHz
- DCS(PCS): 1805-1880 MHz
- PHS:1930-1990 MHz
- 3G:2110-2170 MHz
Antenna:5x Omni-directional Antennas
Effective Range:15-60 meter Radius (Depending on Cell)
Output Power: 12.5W
Phone network density and physical obstructions)
Power Source:Wall Plug
Power Supply:AC100-240V / DC5V 45-55Hz
Dimension(L x W x H): 211 x 170 x 52mm
Approved:CE / FCC


The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer's reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc. - See more at:

Package Contents

Jammer with Build in Antennas
Power Cable
User Manual
Warranty Card
Remote Control.

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