
Product Description

This is a four-channel models cell phone jammer with remote control, which can shield the CDMA, GSM, PHS, DCS and 3G mobile phones effectively.  This cell phone jammer is designed only to block mobile phone signal without affecting the normal work of other electronic equipments. Besides it has an adjustable external power and a remote control switch. And once it has power supply, it can work steady for a long time.

What’s more the phenomenon of the spark caused by the mechanical switch can be avoided by the special distinctive design of flow through the pressure of short-circuit protection and soft-start circuit. Besides depending on the signal strength given in an area the jamming range of this device could reach 50m.

This cell phone jammer can be used in places like jails, churches, meeting rooms and cars to create a peaceful environment. And the external omni-directional antennas all the TX frequency will only shield down link without affecting the base station.

Are you looking for a cell phone jammer like this? Jammerall is a good place, where you can buy high quality and economical products. Come here, contact us and add one to your chart.


  • Cover interface standards:


  • Total output power:12W
  • Jamming range:up to 50m, the jamming radius still depends on the strength signalin given area
  • External Omni-directional antennas all the TX frequency covered down link only
  • Power supply:5V 8A AC:110-240V ;50/60HZ.
  • Weight:2.5kg


  • Cell Phone Jammer
  • AC Adaptor
  • Antennas


Important Notes for Jamming Distance: The jamming distances we mentioned on website are for customer’s reference only. The actual jamming distance will be varied depending on the signal strength and the use location and if full charges, etc.

Important Notes for Portable Jammers with No Cooling Fan: Do not use the jammer when it is charging, or it will burn the jammer as it has no built-in fan. If because of this factor due to the broken of the jammer, the customer will lose the authority of free repairation .

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