Buy 75W high output power Jammer for Mobile Phone Signals Military powerful Jammers price $1389 xwfGJY_uG_stmehe_Qai. Buy 75W high output power Jammer for Mobile Phone Signals Military powerful Jammers price $1389 xwfGJY_uG_stmehe_Qai. 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75W high output power Jammer for Mobile Phone Signals (Code: JB-380 )

Availability: Unlimited


2 pcs. - 3 pcs. $1360.85 / pcs.
4 pcs. - 10 pcs. $1333.08 / pcs.
11 pcs. - 20 pcs. $1277.53 / pcs.

Product Description
   Want to gain a powerful jammer to block the 3G mobile phones and 2G mobile phones signals form a certain direction with good jamming ability? If you have such need just look at this 75W high output power Jammer for Mobile Phone Signals , which applied 5pcs Directional Panel Antennas and can block the signals of CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G with awesome effect.
   By using the 5pcs Directional Panel Antennas this mobile phone jammer can cut off the signals of the CDMA GSM DCS PCS 3G with up to 100 meter shielding radius depending on the signal strength in the given area since it is designed with 75W high output power . In this case, within its jamming radius all the mobile phones will lose its function of sending and receiving messages or make phone calls. Besides even when it is working this 75W high power phone jammer will cause no harm to people’s health. This 75W high power phone jammer support long time continuously working as designed with good cooling system so that high temperature won’t be produced while working.
   Such a powerful 75W high power phone jammer is suitable to be used in the places where the mobile phones are not allowed to be used like the prison, the military and the government and so on.
At a Glance:
Show the working power on the shell with green lights
Mini size medium power cellphone jammer
Low weight and nice texture and color
To block wireless phone communication links within an effective area
No transmissions or receptions of cellphone call in coverage area
All specified frequency bands will be blocked simultaneously
No harm to human body
Technical Specifications
Isolating signal frequency:
- CDMA: 850-894MHz
- GSM: 925-960MHz
- DCS: 1805-1880MHz
- PCS: 1930-1990MHz
- 3G:     2110-2170MHz
Application area: Prison, guard, invigilate etc
Antenna: 5pcs Directional Panel Antennas
Control:  turn on and turn off by hand
Working Hours:  long time work continuously without stop
Working temperature:  -40 ~ +55 degree centigrade
Relative Humidity:  20%-95%
Semidiameter of interception: Up to 100 meter(still depends on the signal strength in given area.)
Output power: 75W
Energy Consumption: 250W
Power Supply:   AC110-220V±10% / DC5V    45-55Hz
Gross weight: 15KG
Product notes:
Please don't put the jammer in the bad Condition of over-wet. over-hot, high voltage and high magnetism.
The jammer shall be installed in the position with good ventilation, and large-scale things shall be avoided to ensure the shielding effect.
Power adaptor x 1
Directional Panel Antennas x 5

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