phone jammer|Jammer J-220C J-220C GPS £57.00 anamkxetdvkdJlm.

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phone jammer|Jammer J-220C J-220C GPS £57.00 anamkxetdvkdJlm.

phone jammer|Jammer J-220C J-220C GPS £57.00 anamkxetdvkdJlm.

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Processing Time: 1 to 3 working days
Shipping Time: 5 to 12 working days(Express Shipping Worldwide)
2 to 4 weeks(Registered Airmail Worldwide)
Payment Method: Credit Card,Bank Transfer,Western Union

GPS Frequency jammer ( TX Frequency : 1500Mhz -1600 MHz)

Output Power: 0.2watt

Dimension: 95×48×18 mm 

Jamming Radius: Up to 10 meters (5-10meters by your background signal strength)

Weight: 0.37KG/PCS

Available system: GPS

All the parts warranty: 13 months

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