mobile phone signal jammer|Portable jammer cell to phone WIFI and Bluetooth JmQxvmYwmmceths_iJJv.

At a Glance:
    The Jammer can be tuned to specific frequencies
    3 separate channels
    Frequency setting of the Jammer by PC software with friendly graphical user interface
    Could block all of the mobile phone networks
    Very easy-to-use
    Built-in antennas
    Built-in working & recharge condition indicators
    Built-in high capacity rechargeable battery
    Universal charging from PC USB or from charger
    Designed for personal use
    Portable compact handheld design
    It doesn't look like a regular jammer

    Numbers of jamming channels: 3
    Channel 1 TX frequency: 800 ~ 1000 MHz
    Cover GSM-850/ CDMA-850 or GSM-900
    Channel 2 TX frequency: 1799 ~ 2176 MHz
    Cover DCS-1800 or PCS-1900/ CDMA-1900/ WCDMA-1900 or WCDMA-2100 (3G)
    Channel 3 TX frequency: 1924 ~ 2492 MHz
    Cover PCS-1900/ CDMA-1900/ WCDMA-1900 or WCDMA-2100 (3G) or Wi-Fi/ Bluetooth
    Total output power: 0.9W (3 x 0.3W)
    Number of factory presets: 8
    Number of user presets: 1 for each channel
    Antennas: Built-in
    Jamming range: up to 8 meters (the signal must ?85dBm in the location)
    Continue using time: 45 min (3 channels are working)
    Battery: 3.6V 1800mAh (Li-Polymer cell)
    Charger: 100-240VAC 50-60Hz / 5VDC 0.5A or PC USB
    Weight: 125g
    Dimension: 105 x 70 x 25 mm
    Operation temperature: -10…+55°C

  *AC Adapter
  *USB cable

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