
Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector

With compact and mini size, Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector can be easily hidden almost anywhere while you couldn’t be able to find them. If somebody monitor you and your family with ulterior motives, how terrible thing is! So the wireless RF signal detectors for video cam and audio bug are widely used in many occasions to avoid monitoring, such as in car, office, conference, room, dressing room, bathroom, hotel,recreation ground, military establishment or government and everywhere you need

Main Features:

  • Detecting Device: Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder
  • Detecting Signal:1MHz-8000MHz
  • Detecting Area:0.1-20 Meters
  • Specifications:

  • Detecting Frequency: 1MHz-8000MHz
  • Main frequency channel: 25MHz-6000MHz
  • Detecting Area: 0.1-20 Meters in diameter depending on signal strength and working environment
  • Detecting sensitivity: <=0.05mw
  • Detecting dynamic range: 70dB
  • Indicate mode: 9 levels LED luminescence indication/voicing instructio
  • Power: 9V laminated battery
  • Size: 120*62*22mm
  • Weight:0.5KG
  • Package Included:

  • 1pc Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
  • Important Notice

  • The item is for Legal Use only!
  • Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector
    Wireless Dictaphone and Voice Monitoring Recorder Detector

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