The world's first power bank style GPS/2G jammers, safe ordered and used, do not worry about any problems(carriers, customs, legal issues) because you order a power bank only! !

It can be used as a GPS/GPRS/GSM jammer and power bank!

Frequency 1(America Market Frequency): GSM 850: 850-960MHz, GSM 1900: 1805-1990MHz, GPS L1: 1500-1600MHz

Frequency 2(Europe Market Frequency): GSM 900: 925-960MHz, GSM 1800: 1805-1880MHz, GPS L1: 1500-1600MHz

We will customize your local frequencies according to your shipping country!

Shielding Range:
1)GPS blocking Range: 3-15 meter;
2)2G blocking Range: 2-5 meter;

Fully charged standby for 10 hours.

Charging time (using fast charge AC): 3-4 hours

Battery capacity: 12000 mAh.

Warranty: 12 months.

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